The European Union of Jewish Students brings a student from Sderot to testify at the UN Human Rights Council

Liraz Madmony, a 23-year old law student from Sderot, Israel, addressed the UN Human Rights Council Special Session on Gaza in Geneva on behalf of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) on Monday. Ms. Madmony spoke about her daily life, the plight of her family, her suffering and survival for the past eight years in a city bombarded by almost 10,000 Hamas rockets. She pled for the UN Human Rights Council to take the necessary measures towards ending the constant bombardment of the Israeli borders.

“I dream of the hometown that I remember. When the park near my house was filled with happy families and children playing. When people enjoyed life. I still dream of peace. It will come when the rulers of Gaza choose humanity over hate, when they stop firing on our children while hiding behind their own…. Mr. President, who will protect our most basic human rights?”

The European Union of Jewish Students is very concerned that the final resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council Ninth Special Session neglects the basic human rights of the million Israeli civilians who have been targeted by Hamas rockets throughout the past eight years, as well as Hamas’ use of Gaza civilians as human shields. Through its commitment to diplomatic engagement, EUJS is dedicated to supporting the voice of Jewish youth at the UN and strives to take an active role in this international forum. EUJS will continue to speak out against human rights abuses and injustice, and will continue to work for a peaceful solution to the current situation in the Middle East.

The European Union of Jewish Students, the sole democratically elected voice of European Jewish youth at the European level and at the European Youth Forum, is one of the largest international student organizations worldwide. Its annual programming includes the Summer University, international, inter-religious and inter-generational seminars, study sessions, and cutting edge work that puts it at the forefront of the European context. The European Union of Jewish Students is the sole Jewish youth organization to have obtained the special ECOSOC Consultative Status at the United Nations.